What Causes Male
most common causes of male infertility involve abnormal sperm production, the
way in which sperm is delivered, lifestyle and health issues. These causes may
Rapid Linear Progression
term rapid linear progression is often used in conjunction with semen analysis.
In most men, sperm cells (spermatozoa) should move rapidly (fast) in a linear
(straight) fashion so as to reach the ovum and cause fertilization. When lab
technicians examine semen microscopically, as part of the investigation of
sub-fertility in a couple, the technicians estimate the percentage of sperm
cells that move rapidly and in a straight line. Other observations include the
percentages include that of sperm moving rapidly but not in a linear
(straight/progressive) fashion, those moving sluggishly and the percentage of
immotile spermatozoa. Ideally, 25% of the spermatozoa should move with rapid
linear motion (progression). The exact reference value however, depends on the
individual lab and possibly population being served by that lab.
Abnormal sperm
production - One of
the most common causes of infertility in men is as a result of the sperm
production process in testes. If the shape and structure of sperm is hampered,
sperm may not be able to reach the egg.
Low sperm concentration - Low sperm concentration, known as
sub-fertility, is defined as 10 million or less sperm per milliliter of semen.
The count for normal sperm concentration is greater than or equal to 20 million
sperm per milliliter of semen.
Blockage of sperm
delivery -
Obstructions that occur in the tubes leading sperm away from the testes to the
penis can cause a total lack of sperm in the ejaculated semen.
Testicular Varicocele - A varicocele is a dilated or
varicose vein and when it occurs in the scrotum it may prevent normal cooling
of the testicle. This leads to reduced sperm count and motility
Undescended testicle or
testes - Undescended
testicle or testes is the term used when one or both testicles fail to descend
from the abdomen into the scrotum during fetal development. Because the
testicles are exposed to the higher internal body temperature, compared with
the temperature in the scrotum, sperm production may be affected.
Hormonal problems - If the pituitary gland, which is
situated at the base of the brain, does not send the correct signals to
stimulate the testes, low testosterone levels may be caused. Because of this
sperm cannot be produced.
Complete Impotency - Sexual problems such as erectile
dysfunction, ejaculation difficulties, low libido or lack of sex drive can
prevent a couple from conceiving.
Underlying medical
conditions - An
existing medical condition such as thyroid disease, diabetes may also affect fertility.
Genetic defects - In the genetic defect Klinefelter's
syndrome, a man has two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome instead of one X and
one Y. This causes abnormal development of the.
factors that affect male infertility –
are some other several risk factors that may also affect male infertility –
Age - A man’s fertility declines as he
ages. It has been estimated that the amount of semen ejaculated and sperm
motility begins to slowly decrease in men or from the age of 37 years.
Tobacco smoking - Smoking tobacco is believed to
affect the quality of semen. Not only does smoking pose a health risk to the
smoker but a larger number of birth defects have been found in the children of
men who smoke.
Alcohol - Drinking large amounts of alcohol
can have negative effects on the reproductive system. It is also detrimental to
your liver and general health.
Recreational drugs - Drugs such as anabolic steroids,
generally used by athletes, reduce sperm production by stopping the hormones
made by the pituitary gland. Other drugs such as cocaine or heroin also affect
sexual performance and health.
Sexually transmitted
diseases (STDs) -
Sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea and genital herpes can affect
sperm production and damage the epididymis, preventing sperm from passing from
the testes to ejaculate. If you have an STD, seek immediate treatment from your
health practitioner. Practice safe sex and make sure that you are tested for
STD’s before planning a family.
Tight underwear - Research has suggested that tight
underwear can decrease sperm counts. Wear loose boxer shorts to reduce the
chances of heat stress on sperm production.
Hot baths, saunas and
spas - Men should
avoid hot baths, saunas and spas because the body temperature, especially
around the testes, can reduce sperm production. Sperm require a cool
are four main factors that contribute to overall sperm quality. They include
sperm motility, speed, count, concentration and morphology (shape and size). A
weakness in any of these areas can affect the chances of conception.
healthy sperm, typically more than 50% are active with over 25% moving
forcefully in one direction. Motility enables the sperm to travel through the
cervical canal, into the uterus and the fallopian tubes and, finally, to
penetrate the egg.
is sometimes referred to as "rapid linear progression". It refers to
the number of sperm that are the fastest swimmers and are likely to fertilize
the egg.
to the World Health Organization (1999), in a healthy male, greater than 25% of
sperm will exhibit progressive motility. It is thought that these are the sperm
with the best chance of successfully fertilizing an egg.
Sperm Count
count refers to the number of sperm in the fluid that is ejaculated (semen).
There are over 40 million sperm in a normal ejaculate. A total count below 40
million may indicate decreased fertility.
is a measure of the number of sperm cells in a milliliter of semen. Normal
concentration is at least 20 million sperm cells per milliliter of semen.
Morphology (shape and
healthy sperm cell will have a shape similar to a tadpole. The sperm's oval
head contains the genetic material, the center provides energy and the tail
propels the sperm forward.
the strict criteria put forth by the World Health Organization (1999), studies
of Assisted Reproductive Technology programs show lower pregnancy rates with
less than 15% normal forms. Furthermore, experts believe that abnormally shaped
sperm cannot fertilize an egg.
Homeopathic Treatment of Infertility

Damiana, Aswagandha, Agnus Cast, Orchitinum, Medorinium, Lycopodium, Silicea, Iodium & Thuja are the best homeopathic medicines according to patient condition & symptoms.
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